Monday's Recess

Monday's Recess was my one last deliberate frollock through a peppermint tea Christmas-time dreamland.  I just had to get drunk on Christmas Cheer, one more time - before I could really put it away.  Especially as rushed as this Christmas was - what with the Recession Busting in on Thanksgiving and giving me a swift kick in the shin.  

I just kinda felt like my "favorite" time of the year shuffled on past me while I was stumbling around all December- stunned by the prospects of having to move away from Texas - and I missed most of the Christmas fun.  Well, Monday's Recess was a reclamation of some of that lost time, I suppose.  

It was all inspired by the last three peppermint candies that I had.  These candies are my favorite candy of the entire year.  You know the type.  I think Brach's makes them, and they have a Christmas Tree in the center of a peppermint nougat.  I look forward to them alllllll year long - and will use any excuse to eat one any time I have them in my sights.  I mean, they are a RARITY, are they not?  I only get them once a year.  They are what deliciousness is to me - deliciousness all dolled up for Christmas.  And, with the final three staring me in the face - I had to make this a MoMeNt.  One to remember all year long - while I'm waiting to taste their sweetness again in 2009.

So, on Monday I had a tea break - and I checked out my Christmas magazines that I never had the time to read during the rush of the season.  And, I savored my little mint candies.  It was awesome.  

My tree has been tucked into the attic for a couple of weeks, now.  But, it was cool to do just one last little dip into holiday nostalgia, again - for goodness sake.

And, I even caught myself whistling later that afternoon.  Christmas songs!  Funny how just a little bit of "time out" thinking about/doing the things we love can impact us for the rest of the afternoon!

(I have to admit - my life is benefitting, gReAtLy, from RECESS!  So much more to come!)


PS.  My roommate from London used to remind me - you CAN substitute Crown Royal for tea, in a pinch.  No one's usually the wiser...


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